The growth of FDI company in VietNam has been remarkable, with the country consistently ranking among the top recipients of foreign investment in Southeast Asia. According to the Ministry of Planning and Investment, Vietnam attracted over $28 billion in FDI in 2020, despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. This figure is a testament to the resilience and potential of the Vietnamese economy, as well as the confidence that foreign investors have in the country’s long-term prospects.

Types of FDI Enterprises in Vietnam

Foreign investors seeking to establish a presence in Vietnam have several options when it comes to the type of enterprise they can set up. The most common types of FDI enterprises in Vietnam include:

  • Wholly Foreign Owned Enterprises (WFOE): As the name suggests, WFOEs are entirely owned by foreign investors and do not have any Vietnamese partners. This type of enterprise offers foreign investors full control over their operations and decision-making processes.
  • Joint Ventures with Vietnamese Partners: Joint ventures involve a partnership between foreign investors and Vietnamese companies or individuals. This arrangement allows foreign investors to leverage the local knowledge and networks of their Vietnamese partners while still maintaining a significant degree of control over the venture.
  • Branch Offices of Foreign Companies: Foreign companies can also choose to set up branch offices in Vietnam, which operate as an extension of the parent company. Branch offices can engage in commercial activities and generate revenue, but they are not considered separate legal entities from the parent company.
  • Representative Offices: Representative offices are another option for foreign companies looking to establish a presence in Vietnam. However, these offices have limited functionality and cannot engage in direct revenue-generating activities. Instead, they serve as a liaison between the parent company and Vietnamese customers or partners.

Key Sectors for FDI company in VietNam

Vietnam’s economy is diverse and offers opportunities for foreign investment across a wide range of sectors. Some of the key sectors that have attracted significant FDI in recent years include:

  • Manufacturing and Processing: The manufacturing and processing sector is the dominant recipient of FDI in Vietnam, accounting for over 70% of total foreign investment. This sector includes industries such as electronics, textiles, footwear, and automotive components.
  • Construction and Real Estate: The construction and real estate sector has also been a major draw for foreign investors, particularly in the development of residential and commercial properties in major cities such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi.
  • Retail and Wholesale Trade: As Vietnam’s middle class continues to grow and consumer spending increases, the retail and wholesale trade sector has become an increasingly attractive target for FDI. Foreign investors are drawn to the country’s large and youthful population, as well as its rapidly expanding e-commerce market.
  • Tourism and Hospitality: Vietnam’s tourism industry has experienced significant growth in recent years, with the country welcoming over 18 million international visitors in 2019. This has led to increased FDI in the hospitality sector, including the development of hotels, resorts, and other tourism-related infrastructure.
  • Information Technology: The information technology sector is a growing area of focus for FDI in Vietnam, with the country emerging as a hub for software development, IT services, and digital innovation. Major tech companies such as Samsung, LG, and Intel have established significant operations in Vietnam, drawn by the country’s skilled workforce and favorable business environment.

Emerging Sectors with High FDI Potential

In addition to the established sectors mentioned above, there are several emerging areas that are expected to attract increasing levels of FDI in the coming years. These include:

  • Renewable Energy: Vietnam has set ambitious targets for the development of renewable energy, particularly in the areas of solar and wind power. The government has introduced a range of incentives and policies to encourage foreign investment in this sector, including feed-in tariffs and tax breaks.
  • E-commerce: Vietnam’s e-commerce market is one of the fastest-growing in the world, with online sales expected to reach $23 billion by 2025. This presents significant opportunities for foreign investors looking to tap into the country’s expanding digital economy.

Setting Up an FDI company in VietNam

Establishing an FDI company in Vietnam involves several key steps and considerations. The process typically includes the following stages:

  • Registration: Foreign investors must first register their enterprise with the Department of Planning and Investment (DPI) in the province or city where they plan to operate. This involves submitting a range of documents, including the company’s charter, investment certificate, and business plan.
  • Licensing: Depending on the nature of the business, foreign investors may need to obtain additional licenses and permits from relevant government agencies. For example, companies operating in the manufacturing sector may need to secure environmental and safety certifications, while those in the tourism industry may require specific licenses from the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism.
  • Approvals: Once the necessary registrations and licenses have been obtained, foreign investors must secure approvals from various government bodies, including the State Bank of Vietnam for foreign currency transactions and the Ministry of Labor, Invalids, and Social Affairs for the hiring of local and foreign employees.

Key Considerations for Foreign Investors

When setting up an FDI company in Vietnam, foreign investors should be aware of several key considerations that can impact their operations and success. These include:

  • Taxation: Vietnam’s tax system can be complex and varies depending on the type of enterprise and the nature of its activities. Foreign investors should familiarize themselves with the relevant tax laws and regulations, including corporate income tax, value-added tax, and personal income tax.
  • Legal Framework: Vietnam’s legal system is based on a combination of civil law and socialist principles, which can be challenging for foreign investors to navigate. It is essential to work with experienced legal professionals who can provide guidance on compliance with local laws and regulations.
  • Labor Regulations: Vietnam has a comprehensive set of labor laws that govern issues such as minimum wage, working hours, and social insurance contributions. Foreign investors must ensure that they comply with these regulations and provide fair and safe working conditions for their employees.

Resources and Support for FDI Companies

Vietnam offers a range of resources and support services for foreign investors looking to establish operations in the country. These include:

  • Government Agencies: The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) is the primary government body responsible for overseeing FDI in Vietnam. The MPI provides information and assistance to foreign investors, including guidance on the registration and licensing process.
  • Business Associations: There are several business associations in Vietnam that can provide valuable support and networking opportunities for foreign investors. These include the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (VCCI), the European Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (EuroCham), and the American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (AmCham).
  • Investment Promotion Agencies: Many provinces and cities in Vietnam have their own investment promotion agencies that can provide local expertise and assistance to foreign investors. These agencies can help with site selection, workforce recruitment, and navigating local regulations.

Success Stories of FDI company in VietNam

Vietnam’s FDI success stories span a wide range of industries and demonstrate the potential for foreign investors to thrive in the country. Some notable examples include:

  • Samsung: The South Korean electronics giant has invested heavily in Vietnam, with several large-scale manufacturing facilities producing smartphones, televisions, and other consumer electronics. Samsung’s investments have created thousands of jobs and helped to establish Vietnam as a key player in the global electronics supply chain.
  • Intel: The American semiconductor manufacturer has operated in Vietnam since 2006, with a major assembly and test facility in Ho Chi Minh City. Intel’s presence in Vietnam has helped to develop the country’s high-tech industry and has contributed to the growth of a skilled workforce in the sector.
  • Honda: The Japanese automaker has been present in Vietnam since the 1990s, with a significant manufacturing operation producing motorcycles and cars for the local market and for export. Honda’s investments have helped to establish Vietnam as a regional hub for automotive production.
  • P&G: The American consumer goods company has invested in several manufacturing facilities in Vietnam, producing a range of products including diapers, shampoo, and laundry detergent. P&G’s presence in Vietnam has helped to create jobs and stimulate economic growth in the areas where it operates.

Challenges and Considerations for FDI Companies

While Vietnam offers many opportunities for foreign investors, there are also several challenges and considerations that companies should be aware of when operating in the country. These include:

  • Cultural Differences and Bureaucracy: Vietnam’s business culture can be challenging for foreign investors to navigate, with a strong emphasis on personal relationships and a complex bureaucratic system. It is essential to take the time to understand local customs and to build trust with Vietnamese partners and officials.
  • Infrastructure Limitations: While Vietnam has made significant investments in infrastructure in recent years, there are still limitations in some areas, particularly in terms of transportation and energy supply. Foreign investors should carefully consider the infrastructure needs of their operations and plan accordingly.
  • Domestic Competition: As Vietnam’s economy continues to grow, foreign investors may face increasing competition from domestic companies. It is important to differentiate products and services and to build strong brand recognition in the local market.
  • Emerging Trends: Vietnam’s business environment is constantly evolving, and foreign investors must stay attuned to emerging trends that may impact their operations. For example, increasing automation and environmental regulations may require companies to adapt their strategies and invest in new technologies.


Above is an article about FDI company in VietNam compiled by Minta Legal and approved by our team of lawyers. We hope this article will provide you with the necessary information. If you have any questions after reading the article, please call/Zalo us for the best advice and support. Best regards

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